Android OS 14
The term “Android OS” refers to the Android Operating System, which is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is primarily des…
how to lock content with facebook likes
To lock content on a webpage until users like your Facebook page, you can use the Facebook JavaScript SDK to check if the user has alread…
Different shells bash, csh, ksh
A Comparative Guide to Shell Languages: What Makes Bash, Csh, Ksh, and Tcsh Unique?
If you are a computer programmer, you may have heard…
Fast API in Python
“Fast API is used for generating REST API which is used for web services. It is completely open-source and the use of this web framework …
25 redis commands you need to know
Redis is one of the fastest key-value pair and in-memory databases that we can make use of for our applications. It is mostly preferred b…
How to create WordPress Plugins
WordPress comes with one of the most fascinating features of having multiple plugins available in it which makes the task of adding the n…
25 postgres psql commands you need to know
PostgreSQL database can be accessed and manipulated by using an interactive terminal prompt named psql. When dealing with a database, the…
python linked lists
Python doesn’t have inbuilt linked lists, you will have to create one. A linked list (as the name says it’s like a chain) is a sequence o…
python bitwise operations
Bitwise operations are important and are used in setting up flags, they are used in Cryptography and compression algorithms, graphics et…
Creating a SAS data set from a raw data file in fixed field format
Find below a sample raw data file. It’s a simple txt file with four columns. Data in each column starts from the same point, i.e. this is…